Sunday, August 1, 2010

Bottom fishing tackle

You can fish the bottom of a pond, lake or river with pretty much any tackle, from baitcasters to spinning gear, or even the pushbutton type reels. Generally speaking, using a little heavier line than normal is probably a good idea as fishing the bottom causes more snags, and there’s always the possibility of landing a monster carp!

I generally use a spinning reel setup with about 10 pound line. I don’t have a personal favorite, any line will do (remember, we’re aiming at cost-effectiveness.) I don’t believe it’s worth spending money on ultra-clear line either – most bottom feeders can’t see very well, the waters usually darker and murky, and the line is more expensive, so I skip it. My pole are both 7 footer, light action for the NW fishing, and we catch normal cats and carp up to about 10 pounds or so. For east coast and heavy river action, I’ve got a 7 foot baitcast setup with 15 pound line. For early season, I’ve got a monster surf-casting setup with 20 pound braid line on it. The river is usually flowing fast though, so snags are common and you want to be able to pitch a line way the hell out there. Now that GI Joe’s is gone, Bimart and Walmart are were it’s at in terms of picking up equipment locally.

Generally speaking, longer rods = longer casting distance = more area covered. However, you are sacrificing action for area, and many times, bottom feeders are so “light” on the hook that you miss a lot of strikes with bigger gear. Besides, it’s more fun and challenging landing a 15 pound cat on 8 pound line!

The best part about bottom fishing is the rest of the gear is cheap. Hooks, sinkers, and a leader or two are all you need. No fancy hardware, no fancy (expensive lures) or any of that stuff.

1 comment:

  1. Nice article and bottom fishing tackle always have grweat fun , Buy and sell fishing tackle for free.
